Thursday, July 5, 2018

Camp Sequoyah - Day 5

So maybe a few stories that I have forgotten where they fit in the week, but I believe they occurred on this day late in the week. 
I had a couple of leaders that laughingly talked about Davis taking my spot in the leader ring.  I am not a late night guy, so I would get my shower, and then go to bed around 10.  Some of the other leaders said that Davis would come to the leader area, and hang out in my chair talking about whatever they were talking about.  That guy is definitely a social guy.  Leaders told me he was passionate about food, how he likes his eggs, and his desire to try some of Preston's anchovies. 
There was a late night canoe trip under the stars for any of the scouts that were at least first class.  Sam went with some of the older guys, and as they were coming home, he stepped to the side and had to relieve himself...and while he did, everyone else couldn't find him, so they went back to camp.  Sam did not have a flashlight, and was a long way from camp at the waterfront.  Kinda of scary looking back on it, as no one even knew that he was gone.  And I don't think I could have made it back...but Sam did...and I really don't know how because outside of our small areas with lamps at was DARK.  He told me that he knew where the path was, and if he didn't hear the gravel under his feet, he knew he was wondering off path.  So that was good that he at least found the graveled path.  Ha...he said he thought about the shortcut by the lake thru the woods, but said that would not have been a good decision. He just walked up behind me at camp and told me he made it back...I was and still am a little floored...cause I went to the shower one night, and my light went off...and I was LOST...luckily the light came back on for me. 
I believe this was also the service project day where all the boys had to spread some mulch near some of the walkways.  Well, the project is for the boys, so the adults just kinda supervise and were at one time in a circle not really supervising, but just cutting up and having fun while the boys worked.  Davis walked right up to us with a deadpan serious look at all of us and said "Hey Guys....Thanks for the Effort".    Kinda floored all of us with the tone he used, then that big smile curved upwards, and we all laughed at his comment. 
And one last story from this Thursday...which was a very HOT Thursday...but one where we had a treat.  A special Geology Merit Badge was being taught, and why was that special?  Because it was being taught in the ONLY Air Conditioned classroom on camp site.  So that class was PACKED.  And I was definitely in their to supervise and learn...and perhaps enjoy a nice nap.  But then, in the bliss of an AC environment that I had so much craved, I noticed something else that Day 5 of a camp brings...I noticed stankness that could only be a mass of B.O.  Then the class began, and as my nose was slowly becoming accustomed to the smell, the geology questions were asked by the staff member...and a dreadful thing occured that I should have thought about...Hands starting raising all over that room, and then directly beside me from a boy that smelled worse than a Frenchman in Arabia...seriously, it was like an ammonia like smell.  I stood up and left at that moment...I left the AC...I walked to a bench...and I took a nap under the heat of the sun...with smells of trees and water taking me into dreams of civilization...only 2 more days away.  

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