Monday, July 2, 2018

Camp Sequoyah - Day 2

Day 2 of summer camp began the merit badge classes, so Davis and his new scout crew started their "Eaglebound" classes right away.  They knock out a lot of rank requirements, but I feel bad for the boys, because it is a lot of book learning when they are outside wanting to get dirty, which they did later. 
One thing I do remember from this first morning was breakfast.  Davis had KP (Kitchen Patrol) duty and was first in line for the eggs and biscuits.  And he was one of the few that got food early, so all at his table were eating well, while everyone else was having to wait for more eggs.  Our table gave Davis a round of applause.  Mr. Steve, the guy standing up behind our table in the background was NOT happy with no eggs...he should have set at Davis' table. 
The troops free time this afternoon was the waterslide, and Sam and Davis both loved the "Sidewinder".  Besides during some of the "school" sessions, I don't think you would ever find davis without a smile.  That Monday evening is usually the MUD obstacle course, but due to the heavy rains, for some reason, it was out of instead, the boys had a scavenger hunt, while the scout staff hid and sprayed them with colored corn starch.  Sam's team did pretty good, and placed third earning their troop a box of ice creams.  A very fun start to this week.  I don't think I got a picture all week of me in my "Burrito" seat.  It was a lounge seat that folded up and fit in my backpack...and was probably the best thing EVER for this week.  After spending the week with Sam two years ago, this was NUMBER ONE priority for this trip, and it paid off.  LOVE LOVE that chair, and I was the envy of all the other dads...that had to stand places...or even sit on stumps with no back support. 
By the the pictures for the next day...that corn starch took a while to wash off...

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