Saturday, March 9, 2019

Montgomery Marathon Day 2

So I don't know if we will be back next year, as my knees are killing me, I had no time to train, and this was just an overall awful run day for my sinus were draining, and well, it was just a nasty sore day for me.  I was going so slow that I had plenty of time to text the family and let them know I would be much later than usual at the they were able to take a little more time at breakfast and got to play on the baseball field waiting for me to cross. 
After the race, we went over to Peach Park on the way home.  It was great food!  Then back at home Anabelle's new hoverboard was waiting for her.  It was a fun weekend...but I am going to take a break from running for awhile.  Hoping the knees start working at some point in time.  

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