Monday, March 25, 2019

Road Trip Day 4 - Boston Freedom Trail

Our first day in Boston began with a scare...I had already left for work that morning, when the sirens starting going off in the hotel.  An automated voice came into each of the rooms and stated that there was an emergency that was being evaluated, stay in place, and only the floors necessary will be evacuated.  I was trying to text Magan to see if they were getting the same message and they were.  Magan said they were trying to wake up and get ready so they were not standing outside in their PJs.  When finally the alarm cleared, none of us had to evacuate any, but little Ruby had tears in her eyes as she thought she was going to have to leave Dumbo and her blankie.
So not much going on worth telling for me except for an excellent conversation on the evaluation status of firewatch carts within the NEI Cyber Security Task Force meeting...but I did get a list of stories from the kids that evening.  Ruby was SOOO EXCITED that she got her very own money, and told me all about the pirates that she saw everywhere, which was confusing until Sam and Davis let me know she was talking about patriots.  Magan and the kids got to visit Mike's Pastries for the famous Cannolis...Magan's favorite part there was when another customer was so surprised that all those kids were hers...she surely couldn't be more than 25.  Deano's Italian was a hit for lunch.  The kids were all excited to tell me about the crypt under old North Church...sitting where Teddy Roosevelt sat in the Old North Church, and the Bell system in the Old North Church...they also watched how they made chocolate at that church. 
The Boston Tea Party was also a fun visit, as the kids each got to throw some tea into the harbor.  They had on exhibit one of the original crates from the tea party, and yes, some of the actual tea that some guy thought it would be in a museum one day.  After the kids got back home, we took a ride out to the AMC theater on Boston Common, and finally got to watch Captain Marvel...Wow, Really Good!  Even had our dinner at the movies (probably not the healthiest of nights).  It was a treat for our first night in Boston.   


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