Sunday, March 24, 2019

Road Trip Day 3 - Traveling on to Boston

Didn't we just get out of the car after a long drive.  Well, back on the road, and we found a church to visit in Delaware, so we had a two hour drive from D.C. this morning.  And we realized about the time we got in the area that my TomTom was our of sync with some recent road changes so, we missed a turn, but luckily still had time to make it to worship.  Interesting worship where much of the congregation was spanish, and the preacher taught a few sections in spanish, and the slideshow was bilingual for both the songs and the lesson.  And both Magan and Belle thought it was hilarious that me and the boys had khakis and a green pullover. 
This day included some cool bridges, one being the Delaware memorial, and the other was the George Washington Bridge.  Which we were warned to not cross due to the due to traffic, but me and the boys have memories from Scout camp about the George Washington bridge, so I took us that way...Serious time delay error, and just crazy traffic drive on this bridge into manhattan...Dear me...this was easily my worst day of driving in the whole trip...Crossing that bridge, which truck broke down in the left lane, merging to the far right lane, across 5 lanes, to get to the first exit on the downhill slop of the bridge...dear me.  We needed each and every prayer for safety on this day.  Then in Boston the roads just disappear underneath the city and both Waze and TomTom said "We give up"...and at 8:30 PM in Boston, I had to completely stop the car and get out and walk a block down the road to get my directions down...and finally finally we arrived at the hotel.  The front desk asked about valet or self parking, and I quickly told them I don't want to touch that van again until Thursday.  So valet it was.  I think this was a dominoes pizza night...cause we were dead tired. 
A sweet little story that I want to remember is that a guy at the church building warned Magan about the George Washington bridge, and Anabelle overheard this warning.  Then later I was speaking with the same guy with Belle close by again...and he repeated his warning.  Belle whispered to me to not tell Mom, as she wanted to be the one to tell me.  And as Belle mentioned, Magan was excited to share with me this warning...then Belle and I had a little moment and a quick wink.  And magan never knew that we already knew...unless she reads this, which I am guessing she doesn't usually get passed the second paragraph in these blogs anyway.  So belle, I don't know why I remembered this, but I thought it was sweet, and I really love you Anabelle!

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