Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Road Trip Day 6 - Aquarium and Fenway Park

So one of the perks of traveling too much is you get free concierge breakfast each morning, which was actually a huge cost and time savings for Magan and the kids each morning.  The first picture below is from the 29th floor with a great view of Boston during these breakfasts.  You could see the Ivy League rowers in the bay practicing each morning. 
Today the kids went to the Boston Aquarium and to Fenway Park.  I was told the aquarium was pretty fun, but the best was little Ruby's smile when she touched the sea urchin and starfish.  She was so proud of herself.  Open air penguin exhibit also looked pretty cool. The family went once again back to Quincy market for lunch, and Sam told me about a fishy calzone he had...Yuck.  And we were just happy to find anything Davis would eat with his stomach issues on this I think this was his third meal of Japanese teriyaki chicken.  Magan said they were even serenaded by a rapper while they ate lunch.
But after lunch, the crew went to Fenway, and while it was Super Cold with a Super Cold wind, Magan said they loved this tour...getting to walk across the green monster, see chairs from the original park, see the homerun seat that was hit by the longest homerun by Red Sox great Ted Williams.  I loved the shirt Sam got, and the hat Dave got...would have been nice to have also gotten a fenway park souvenir...but they did not think of me.  Back at the hotel, we enjoyed the Cheesecake Factory that was part of the mall attached to our hotel.  Oh well...So long Boston!


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