Friday, March 22, 2019

Road Trip Day 1 - Journey to D.C.

So this trip has been a long time coming, and has lots of preparation.  It also ended up with much more pictures than I think previous road trip blogs have had.  Magan did wonderful on the packing for this trip and while we all just barely fit into the van, we do fit, and it was relatively free of excessive bickering.  Magan had us all backed in separate suitcases for each hotel, which made it great as we had to load and unload 4 times at hotels in D.C., Boston, NYC, then D.C. once more.  The hanging clothes bag was completely full, and Sam and I referred to it as the "Body Bag" and it looked like it could have easily held a body...and weighed as much...
We were so packed I told Ruby I was glad she hadn't grown legs yet.  Once she does grow legs, we will have to figure out other ways to pack for for now, her leg room went to the smaller cooler and my backpack.  Perhaps lack of sleep or deliriousness, this drive was made very fun due to some of Magan's comments throughout the day...the ones that struck me as most funny was her amazement at how the moon works...then random thoughts about how indian pipes must have been strong stuff.  Hahaha...
Magan had also packed a box of crafts for the kids to enjoy on the drive up, and then found out that much of the needles were missing, then that Belle forgot to stick her needle in the material when handing it up to her, and then I distinctly remember her yelling at the kids to just enjoy the crafting!  CRAFTING IS FUN...Arghhhh...haha...the kids will probably remember that my yelling only comes as they seem to get louder and louder as the traffic levels increase...arrghhhhh
So it was a long first day driving from 6:30 AM till about 8:30 PM, but we finally made it to D.C.  Even got to stop at a German restaurant (So Amazing...Magan's favorite, or not) for dinner.  Wow...the food was amazing...and we also got to stop at the next exit at Cracker Barrel as "Sie Deutsche food hurt my belly".  Oh, and did I mention that leaving the German restaurant we actually were snowed on...during spring break!
And so it began...the Junkin Road Trip of 2019...  

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