Sunday, March 31, 2019

Road Trip Day 10 - Museum of the Bible and Smithsonians

Our last day before the drive home, and we began with our own worship service in the hotel.  All the kids helped with the service.  It was a bit of a rainy day, but I did not want to get ponchos out, so we found cover almost all the way over to the metro station.  We were back at the same hotel in Bethesda, MD, so we got to ride the long long escalator down.  We took the metro to our first stop, the Museum of the Bible.  I had visited last year, and loved the place, and it was the clear favorite of all of the museums we went into I think.  We spent about 5 hours here wondering thru the exhibits, riding the attraction that "flies" you around D.C. seeing the words of the bible on various monuments and buildings, and also with a VR adventure walking thru the bible lands.
Me and Anabelle's favorite was the Old Testament walk through show.  It is really a great presentation of the Old Testament, but the first scene ends with Cain killing Abel, and then a door opens, and a voice from above says "Come, Follow me into the next part of your journey"...and then as smoke starts coming out of the doorway, and there are no museum employees around, it is funny to watch everyone just sit there...silently thinking "No, I think I will wait for an official person to show me to the next spot".  HAHAHA...I guess you have to be there, but since I had done it before, I started the line into the next room...really cool show.
We ate lunch at MANNA within the bible museum, and had some really good food, we saw Elvis' bible, President Trump's bible, and several other president's bibles.  Before we left, the VR adventure was our last attraction.  It was pretty cool, actually prompted me to finally buy into the VR headsets.  But Ruby's reaction was the funniest...We heard her squeels of delight as she said "I can't see my legs" and "I am going to fall".
We next visited the Air and Space museum was was good, but half of the museum was closed for renovation, and we were also there finally exposed to the spring break crowds which were ridiculous.  Sam and I cracked up as we found a picture of the guy in Skylab that was showing how to shower in was again, our "friend" Jack Lousma that we had met last year at Kennedy.  We then had one hour left in the day to go back to the American History museum and visit the transportation exhibit that is really cool.  We then got to pick a few last things from the gift shop before we returned home.  So Magan went with the girls to the bathroom, as I got in line for our last souvenirs.  Then the keychain that Davis picked out did not have a tag, and we kept being delayed and delayed till we left the store at 5 minutes after closing.  Where we found that Magan had been kicked out by a really rude lady in the museum.  Ugh...Ugly memory to add to the end of this journey, but I guess you capture the bad with the good.  On the metro ride back home, once again, our little Ruby couldn't make it, and just had her little head bouncing in her sleep the whole time.  Almost time for the journey home.  


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