Saturday, March 30, 2019

Road Trip Day 9 - Back to D.C. for Arlington

So our journey began getting out of the Big Apple thru the Holland Tunnel, and we made excellent time until we got into D.C.  That is some crazy traffic.  We drove straight to Arlington Cemetery, and in hindsight, I probably made an error in purchasing the tram tickets because it was so slow.  Anyway, I am very impatient when it comes to things I know we can walk to.  I have walked these main areas of the cemetery a couple of times, and I knew we could have already been to at least the first stop...anyway I was impatient.  But we first made the stop at Kennedy's grave.  After that, I did not want to wait for the tram again, so we walked to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Probably a little further than everyone else wanted to walk, but we got there before the tram, and got really good seats to watch the changing of the guard.  The tram tour did get us one extra fun thing which was a tour that is only done on the weekend of the more active section of the cemetery.  We saw the original entrance to the cemetery and a Pentagon memorial placed near where the 9/11 plane hit the Pentagon. 
We took one of the pictures below to get the cemetery behind us and some of the cherry blossoms that were in bloom. Magan asked the kids to step into the grass for the picture, and Anabelle looked up at her a little anxious..."Mom, I don't know how tall these guys were" she said, not wanting to be standing on anyone.  After the cemetery, we drove over to the Iwo Jima statue, and met a guy from Mobile, AL that helped us with these family pictures.  Sam and Davis liked photobombing Belle in her posed shot.  Another long day, and another supper from Panera.  

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