Friday, March 29, 2019

Road Trip Day 8 - Statue of Liberty and Times Square

So I look back at our blogposts periodically for no reason other than statistical information, and while we are about at 900 blogposts, and many of them containing a LOT of pictures, I think this one post has over 80 pictures...and will probably be the longest.  But we hit the Statue of Libery and Times Square in one day...this was ridiculous, but we weren't really even rushed. 
For breakfast, I told the kids that I was going to my favorite bagel place, and "Pick a Bagel" now is, as we ate there twice in our two mornings in NYC.  So somewhat fun way to start your day is with a Rainbow bagel with strawberry cream cheese.  We walked about 6 or 7 blocks down to the ferry in the morning, and three months prior I thought 9AM was too early, but it ended up being perfect.  I also was glad that I bought the Crown tickets, as on that day they were sold out of crown tickets until August of '19.  On the walk down, Ruby looked up at me with a tired face and said she needed to be held, cause he legs were hurting SOOO BADDD, ha, then magan caught her grinning once daddy picked that little booger up.  I would sing "Underneath the London Sky" from Mary Poppins returns to her and she would look at me and smile...and say..."you sound just like him"...then go back to hugging my neck.  These blogs and these words help me take a snapshot of these moments that I treasure.
We were the first ones on the ferry to the SOL, so we ran to the front of the boat...and once on the water and the wind was in our face, we ran back for cover...Wow, that was cold.  On liberty island, we quickly made our way up to the pedestal, then up the many many stairs to the crown of lady liberty.  I had preped myself for them not letting Ruby up, and was planning to stay down with her, but they didn't enforce the height limit and let us all up.  So up up up we went taking a couple of breaks in the middle.  So out of this whole road trip, this adventure to the crown and down...was easily the coolest thing.  View was neat...but I had both toes and buttcheeks in terrified mode...but looking down into the book in her left hand and up to the torch in her right...Pretty amazing.  Then on the way back down, seeing her face from the inside.  Just a really neat experience.  Ruby had no issues going up...but coming down, she was a little scared, so I went down backwards to help guide her down. 
Back at the bottom, the girls took a different way down than the boys, so we got to visit the cornerstone and walk around the lower levels of the SOL.  Ruby received a junior park ranger sticker for helping on the elevator.  We took one more walk around the island, hit the gift shop, then on the ferry over to Ellis Island. 
So we were pretty tired and hungry at this point and had to stop for lunch.  While waiting for the food, Magan said that Belle and Ruby were already "talking" their new SOL bears to each other, and having fun waiting.  After lunch, we hit a movie of Ellis Island...after that it was just the back of my eyelids.  I did wake up one time to find Magan asleep on one shoulder talking in her sleep and Ruby on my lap passed out.  Ellis Island was really neat, and I should have given it more attention, but I just couldn't.  But Davis was eating it up.  He LOVED being here, as his history class talked a lot about it last year.  This was probably one of his favorites. 
Back on the mainland, we made our trek back up to our hotel.  It was neat to see the big city folks living in a wild land of large buildings and neverending cars...yet there were parks for the kids to play in...and basketball courts that had everyone playing in...just another weekday for them.  We headed back to the hotel for a little nap before we ventured into Times Square.  A couple of more things about this hotel...there was a LOT of static electricity we were getting, and Davis got the most shocks...and he loved it when I told him that he was more susceptible due to his long eyelashes.  Also there is a picture of the shower in this hotel room...which was amazing.  I think Magan put this as one of the highlights of the whole trip.  It was very nice, like a waterfall on you. 
Times Square was just another uber right away, and we got out right at the main section with lots and lots of people everywhere.  We immediately ran into the Disney Store, I think just to get off the crazy busy streets.   This is where the girls were looking forward to visit, and where they found their favorite souvenirs.  Ruby got a new wallet for her purse that was a Cinderella wallet, and with every purchase you could get a stuffed animal for only $12...luckily the little kitty cat from Aristocats was EXACTLY what Belle was wanting.  Boom...Done. 
We then went on to M&Ms world where we got several samples of different flavors (not going to say how much these many flavors cost us), then the kids found out what M&M color they were, and headed back out for supper.  If it was just me and Mag, we may get more adventurous, but with the kids in tow, we saw the Applebees sign...and since were in the Big Apple...and at least on this night we DID get free refills ...but only me and Magan got the good stuff.  haha...sorry kids.  Although Ruby was very excited to get a big kid glass of water. 
After dinner, we made our way back to Times Square to sit on the stairs, try our new M&Ms, and look around and soak up the lights.  Sam was excited to get the picture of me and Magan smooching below, but that guy is a good sport about anything...UNLESS he is in front of a camera.  Not much more in this day except smiles and laughter and another late night back to the hotel.  Time to move back to D.C. in the morning. 

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