Saturday, November 2, 2019

High School Robotics Tournament

This was Sam's first High School Robotics tournament, and we had to be in Montgomery by 7:30, so road trip.  I got to meet one of the other 3 people on the Robotics team, Kameron, and got to meet the Robotics teacher Mr. Huddleston.  Sam had basically built this robot by himself, and done most of the coding, so I was glad that he was able to compete.  Kameron was a really good driver too, so their bot ended up getting 12 place out of 21, then when combined with another team for the team competition, they made it into the top 4.  But in the end, some of these other teams obviously get more time to work on their bots than the 2 hours per week sam gets.  But it was really fun to watch, and start to understand the designs being made.  The Junior High has a very large team, so Sam is hoping that many of them will stay in it as they move up...but I think he also likes getting to do a lot of the creation on his own as well.  Anyway, they came away with some ideas on how they could improve their bot...and this lasted a lot longer than I thought...we left around 2PM.  It was really fun hanging out with Sam, and realizing that he has full confidence in these things...he can fix anything that goes wrong on that bot, and there seems to be no nerves on that guy during the competition.  He definitely didn't get that from his nervous dad that was even nervous in the crowd watching him compete.  

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