Sunday, November 10, 2019

Universal - Day 3 - Church and Gondolas

A nice day of rest after a full day prior in the park.  Today we woke up with Ruby telling me about a scary dream that including Harry Potter.  And getting ready for church, Anabelle kept confusing me about the gala we were going to, and how much fun it would be...finally we realized she was talking about the gondolas we would be riding.  Then as we were about to leave, I asked Magan if she was really wearing that to church...she had on her Disney evil queen shirt...which is nice for Disney, but doesn't have a good church feel. 
The maingate church is always fun to meet people from all over the country...spoke to a brother from Michigan and from Macon Georgia.  The guy from Macon knew Bob Myhan.  The preacher for the week was from Arizona. 
After church we went to the Yacht Club EPCOT resort with the plan to visit the new gondola system.  The Yacht Club was the only place I could find that had lunch reservations still available.  While waiting on our reservation, I picked up the girls some pins to wear...Anabelle for the rest of the day was greeted with HAPPY BIRTHDAY because of her pin that said...well, you know what it said.  Ruby's pin just said "Im Celebrating".  I can't remember the name of our restaurant (Ale and Compass...that was it), but the food was very good.  Our waitress was very nice and told us about taking cruises was the way to go with a family.  And Anabelle got a nice birthday dessert, while everyone else shared some bread pudding and chocolate cake.  
After lunch we made our walk over to the new Disney skyliners and because I know you are wanting to remember...we rode the Toy Story gondola, then the Elsa one, then the Nemo one, and lastly the Chewbacca one.  We rode from Epcot to the Caribbean Beach hub, then over to Hollywood Studios (Look kids, it is the new Star Wars land...No, we are not going inside), then back to the hub, and finally back to EPCOT.  The smiles on the gondolas were way worth this day.  And Davis kept hoping we would be stuck for hours, just so we could get the free stuff.  We did get stopped shortly a couple of times, and gave Davis the nasty looks each time.  Ruby got her baby kitty cat today which was great to at least stop her from asking about buying every little thing she saw in every store...and Belle/Davis got to do a little pin trading.  Good to get a little Disney fun in on this day. 
Back at our hotel, we went swimming, and I can gladly say that I am about on the last trip where I will have to go swimming...I am so ready to just sit on the side and watch...dear me, it was so cold and windy.  Should have seen the warning signs, but kids love water and seem to be able to enjoy being cold...they are CRAZY.  Anyway, we got back to the room after an hour or two and got some rest as we would begin our park days again the next day.   We had the fire stick, so it was nice to watch a little Andy Griffith each night before bed...that show is still very funny. 


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