Monday, November 11, 2019

Universal - Day 4 - Islands of Adventure and Sickness

And now for our entry into Islands of Adventure for the first time with the kids...funny, the main memory I have from this park was some terrible chaffing, and let me tell you I was prepared for this journey with a large tube of Boudreaux's.  Too much Info...ok, well, I also wanted to take advantage of our early morning entry into the parks, so these first pick going into Islands of Adventure are actually after we had went in Universal Studios to ride Despicable Me while there was no line.  And yes, I am sure that someone was holding up our line...and yes, we did get stuck on Despicable Me, and yes, the line to islands of adventure was a pain...but this was our only entry into Islands of Adventure at least thru the front gates. 
So the planner in me was ready for this park, I had done some research, I had NOT had to deal with the early morning hour throwing me to the back of the off we went to the left away from all the people going to Harry Potter...we were saving that for later.  We hit the hulk rollercoaster, let the kids ride a spinning ride and the spiderman ride within 1 hour, then me, Sam, and Belle rode the super lame Dr. Doom drop and waited 30 minutes for not much of anything.  Davis, who was scared of Dr. Doom, actually got the better end as he rode Hulk two more times in the single rider line and one more of the spinning ride with Ruby.  We then made our way past the crazy wet rides of Rip Saw Falls, and jumped on the Kong ride (This one kinda of grew on me, and was probably one of my favorites.  Universal has a cool way to make these 3D rides).  After Kong, I took us back to the front of the park and over to Seuss world, where we rode everything in fairly short lines.  Then the day started getting rough while we were in Poseidon's Fury...a walk through ride that I would suggest just get skipped next time.  But on this ride (not really a ride)  Ruby started grabbing at her ear.
So we actually had an amazing lunch, but that was dampered by little Ruby (who is every bit as dramatic as big Dave) started feeling the impact of an ear infection.  Yes, we were now thinking the swimming in the freezing cold pool was the wrong choice.  Haha, and I completely forgot to mention in these blogs that Sam had a 101 degree fever on that first day in Universal (But Sam has no drama, nor will you even notice that he is sick other than the hundreds of tissues all over our backback...But by this day he was better).  A quick note on the food, then back to the sick kid...I had really the BEST pork chop ever, and Magan got a wedge salad with steak on top, Sam got some gnocchi, and Davis a large burger...and the food was great, quick, and relatively inexpensive.  So halfway thru this meal, Ruby needed some medicine, and I was going to the front of the park to find some, but our waiter (yes, amazing waiter) took us to a first aid location that was in that area of the park.  They gave Ruby some childrens Tylenol, and off we went into Harry Potter world. 
But Ruby was not having it, and as we entered an extremely long Harry Potter castle ride line, we realized she needed Dr. Jamie and an antibiotic Magan made the calls I pulled all the kids out of a line that was not moving anyway, and we made the break.  Magan went to find a Walgreens near our hotel, and I took the others to ride some water rides which was exactly what Ruby and Mom did NOT want to ride. 
Magan kept me updated on their adventure back to the hotel.  She made a stop in Seuss world, and Ruby was excited to pick out her own apple on the way back home, and for some reason I have in my notes that she was helping spell BOAT for magan.  But she kept grabbing that ear, and after a bus ride home, magan was able to get to walgreens and fill her prescription.  Then some chicken nuggets and mama snuggle time was enough to get her to sleep at least for a while.
Back at the parks, we all decided to jump onto Jurassic Park, but had to deal with the backpack, and this was an older ride and much smaller lockers.  So, I know it had to be hilarious if anyone was watching, but we really did not think it would work.  Basically it ended up as Davis pushing the door closed, me pushing the lock down, and yelling for Belle to push the green button that locked it all up.  Haha...I think we all heard cheers when it finally closed.  We rode Jurassic Park and got pretty wet, so we rode it again to get even more wet...that is when we walked over and rode Ripsaw Falls, and got 100% completely soaked (luckily Davis had ought a waterproof card holder earlier that day which saved us some wet park tickets).  So after we were completely 100% soaked, we decided to ride again (This soaking was somewhat unfair, as the ride basically just took you directly thru a waterfall with NO WAY to avoid water dumped on your head). 
On our way our we thought we could ride the Hulk coaster in single rider mode, but the lines split Davis away from us, then we saw a line that was clearly another 45 minutes...and remembering the transformers incident from the first day, and wanting to get back to Ruby, we left...after finally finding Davis.  I let the kids look thru the store as we were leaving, and apparently Davis got away from us again (YES, DAVIS...We NEVER KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!) Davis thought we had left him and ran all the way to the exit of the park before returning to the store and finding us.  Poor buddie, I could tell he was scared, but I reminded him that we always come back to where you last saw us.
And thus was our first day at islands of adventure, but the night did not end there.  Ruby was up at 1:30AM with her ear aching, but another trip to walgreens for some ear ache medicine and benedryl finally made her able to rest.  And by the next morning, we could see her already getting better.  Thank you Dr. Jaime! 


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