Saturday, November 16, 2019

Universal - Day 9 - St. Augustine Trip Home

It seems like typically we are in a hurry to get back home after a long vacation, but I had been told many times that we should visit St. Augustine while down here, and it was only a 30 minute detour, so off we went.  We first visited the Castillo De San Marcos, built by the Spanish a long time ago, and used as a fort for most of its days, but later a prison for native Americans, as we tried to Americanize the Indians captured on the western borders of the US.  The kids painted some sea beans, which was something the native Americans did while imprisoned there.  Ruby also drew a picture, which is what was captured and presented was the native American pictures of how they were treated here.  If you can't tell, it was really cold here and the wind was blowing hard...Ruby had several hats on...Belle tried to cozy up to the prison door as it felt heated outside of the cold air.  And we got to watch the cannon be shot from the fort...which took forever...and we had to listen to some guy telling us each step that was occuring, and we started joking that it was probably this guys fault the fort was taken if he was trying to describe each shot fired from the walls. 
After leaving the Fort, we walked over to St. George street where it was really nice and would have been nice to walk around more, but it was so cold.  We did find a place that was perfect for me and Magan...A crepe store right next to a Pretzel store...both our favorites, and while non of us were hungry, these shops together felt like we had a nutella and strawberry crepe, two jumbo pretzels, and one order of almond pretzel bites.  And we had a nice garden area to eat it in that was protected from the wind. 
Then we traveled to the fountain of youth, and after seeing that the brochure had not been updated since 1970, and the admission cost was $60 for our family, we skipped out and took a few pictures from the non-$60 area.  Then back on the road.  I don't remember much of the trip back, but all were safe, all were without fevers, and all had collected plenty of smiles.  The next week was pretty rough tho for the boys trying to catch up at school.  ugh... 

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