Friday, November 15, 2019

Universal - Day 8 - One Last Day

Official Blog Post number 1000...Can you believe it?  Magan and I started blogging about our family in 2007, and while the blogs have certainly increased year after year, it seems now to average around 100 a year...but according to my settings, this marks #1000.  So kids, if you are reading these many years from now or next year, these were started so you guys would know how much we love all of you, and how much fun you gave us in every day.  The big moments like these vacations are great, but the day to day moments have made your mom and me happy parents.  And reason #2 is the expectation for you guys to take turns reading these to me when I am old and can't remember well.  You can skip this paragraph.  I don't want to hear this, get to the good stuff, what else did we do on this trip?
Our final day had us getting in the parks around 11:30AM (remember, we were at Disney till 2AM), and back to Universal Studios as the kids wanted one more ride on the mummy, and then to disappear thru Gate 9 and 3/4 onto the Hogwarts Express.  I don't have any more notes on our trip, so apparently we were wearing down by now.  Back in Islands of Adventure, we wanted to ride the Hagrid ride one more time, but we were hesitant about another potential 120 minute line.  So I did not want to do that to Ruby, so I decided to take her, while the others got in line for one more ride on Hagrid, but Belle also was worried about another long line with no reward at the end (The Hagrid ride is great, but we found out is prone to being down for many issues) she joined me and it was just me and the girls.  So we went and got our picture with the TREX again after riding Ruby's favorite Hippogriff roller coaster, then we rode the KONG ride again (did I mention I really liked it).  Then I got a call from Davis, that he wanted out of the line, and wanted to join our Non-Hagrid group...and he met us near the Pteradon Flyers...which ended up working nicely, as he and Belle went to ride Jurassic Park, I was able to ride the Flyers again with Ruby.  Davis also got to explore a little bit of this area with Ruby, which I wish he could have done more, cause she was so excited to take Dave around to all those places in the kid area. 
Then Mom and Sam got back after only having to wait 55 minutes (I am hearing there was a story with the teeth picture below, but neither one of them can remember as I write perhaps one day they will)...they did get to ride Hagrid again, and sam was the only one to get to ride 3 times.  So we ended our last day back in the superhero area, riding spiderman together, getting our picture with spiderman, then ONE LAST ride of Hulk...a good ride to end on...I think...I may have passed out.  



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