Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Universal - Day 6 - A Seussian Day

We started as we did almost every morning in Diagon Alley, but after our ride on Gringotts, we visited the Leaky Cauldron (Sam and I found the source of the leak in a picture below) for breakfast.  Again, the food was very reasonably priced, and Magan got another Hot Butterbeer during our meal.  After the meal, we got on the train over to Hogsmeade where we immediately went to visit some Seuss characters...Don't you see the girls dresses? 
We did not miss any Seuss characters, we did not. 
Because we had a dad by the name of Scott. 
Each one we did visit, with a "How do you do"?
But we left them with smiles, and a hug from Ruby Lou
Sam I Am took a picture with Sam
But neither Sam nor Sam then knew which was then the "am"
The Grinch was not grinchy, but the Lorax was "so soft"
But when Belle got mom wet, she was quite cross
Their fish got to close, to the watery fun
Riding with Anabelle, Mom was now done!
After leaving the Seuss area, we split up for a bit for the kids to ride Hulk yet one more time, then on to Jurassic area, where we found two crazy guys on a bridge announcing that they had a close up encounter with a TREX, and ZERO wait.  I did not know where this is going, but loved the passion these guys had for their "attraction", so we stepped up and this ended up being one of our favorite pictures as we really did almost get eaten by a large stuffed TREX.  haha, and we didn't even know what was done until he showed us the picture.  We also later got to meet the velociraptor Blue from Jurassic World, and it was pretty scary, I was amazed at how close they allowed this raptor to get, and Magan didn't want anywhere near it.  Sam loves this stuff, and I think never even flinched even as it licked his ear.  I also had this moment to ride the Pteradon Flyers with Ruby, who was the only one "short" enough in our family to get to ride...she thought that was SOOO funny that Belle was too big to ride.  And Magan captured a picture of us flying high above as they finished riding Kong. 
And our night in the park was over with an amazingly cool light show on Hogwarts castle.  After leaving we stopped by the Chocolate Emporium to eat supper...which was a great supper...but it was a very slow supper.  But we did get to visit with the owner (Professor Doctor Penelope) of the Chocolate Emporium, and speak with her a bit about Birmingham.  The only person she had ever met from Alabama was a nice man eating chocolates on a bench.  She said she did not know why he was taking so long with that box of chocolates and that he should eat all of them quickly.  She was a simply lovely lady to meet. 
"From the Alps to the empire of the Aztecs, from Mongolia to Madagascar, Professor Doctor Penelope Toothsome learned new and fascinating methods of infusing chocolate into the most extraordinary recipes, making friends and receiving honors everywhere she went. Upon returning home to London, Penelope determined that she would share her love and knowledge of chocolate with the world. She set about building The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen, an enchanting 19th century themed, Steampunk inspired dining establishment with a façade of towering smokestacks and an interior adorned with intriguing gadgets and gizmos."
Other random memories I forgot in the words above...apparently the kids wanted me to remember I pooted on the Harry Potter ride (Oh yeah, now I remember coming out of the childs swap area, yeah, I was holding it in and dropped it trying to get out of the kids waiting area, not wanting to damage any of the children...but the rest of my children walked right into it...causing Davis to have a slight eye twitch for the next couple of days)...We also finally got to ride Hagrids, which was a 90 minute posted line that we rode in under 30 minutes...In case you didn't see, Ruby got her Poppy jacket today...We rode the harry potter train back to Universal for a double park hop on this day, and Sam and Davis even got a chance to ride the Mummy one more time as we went to get reservations at the chocolate store...Davis had a dream that they waited in line for hagrid another 2 hours only to find that Ruby had led them instead to the "Cat in the Hat" ride...I had several moments of "Where is the Back Pack" after we had put it in a locker...and Ruby's cackle laugh coming down the hill on the Jurassic Park ride. 

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